Our newest competition. Starting in October, it consists of 6 once a month evening races over the same 5km course. Set up to encourage getting out over the colder evenings these runs are great for all abilities. No entry fee and non members are always welcome to run as a guest. Contact us or just turn up on the night.
The start and finish is on the promenade near to Captain Williams, usually the second Tuesday in the month at 6:30. Please check first, the event is weather permitting!
League Structure
Three races are self handicapped (no watch races) - nearest to the given time is the winner.
3 races are handicapped by our handicapper - furthest under the handicap time is the winner.
Points scored are 1st...15 points
2nd...14 points
3rd....13 points and so on
down to 14th.....12 points.
All other finishers receive 1 point
Your best 4 results from the 6 races count towards the final total. In the event of a tie it goes to a countback of most wins.
A trophy to the overall winner.
2023/24 League - Dates & Results
Click on race number after the event for results
Results will be a word document download
Previous Winners
2017 - 18 ...... Mark Nurse
2018 - 19 ...... Stewart Longlands
2019 - 20 ...... Angie Swift
2020 - 21 ...... Abandoned due to covid 19
2021 - 22 ...... Darcy Adcock-Shaw
2022 - 23 ...... Mark Dawson
2023 - 24 ...... Mark Dawson